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Henry VIII wives - Primary Resources:亨利八世的妻子-主要资源.ppt

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Henry VIII wives - Primary Resources:亨利八世的妻子-主要资源.ppt

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Henry VIII wives - Primary Resources:亨利八世的妻子-主要资源.ppt


文档介绍:Katherine of Aragon 16 th December 1485 to 7 th January 1536 ? Youngest surviving child of the ‘ Catholic Kings ’ of Spain. ? Age 3, promised to Henry VII eldest son Prince Arthur. ? Age 16, married Prince Arthur until he died 6 months later. ? Age 23, married King Henry VIII on June 11 th 1509 in Greyfriars Church, Greenwich. ? Age 30, gave birth to Princess Mary. ? Age 47, King Henry divorced her to marry Anne Boleyn. ? Died 7 th January 1536 of a broken heart, aged 50. Anne Boleyn 1501/02 to 19 th May 1536 ? We don ’ t know her date of birth, it is guessed to be 1501/02. ? She was a lady-in-waiting to Henry VIII sister in France. ? She apparently had an extra finger on her left hand. ? Aged about 31, she married King Henry VIII on January 25 th 1533 in Westminster Abbey. ? Aged about 31, she gave birth to Princess Elizabeth. ? Accused of witchcraft and treason she was sentenced to death by her own uncle. ? Died 19 th May 1536 in the Tower of London, she was beheaded, aged about 34. Jane Seymour 1504-09 to 24 th October 1537 ? We don ’ t know her date of birth, it is guessed to be between 1504-09. ? She was Lady-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn . ? Aged between 27-32, she married King Henry VIII on 20th May 1536 in York Place. ? It is said that she was the favourite wife of Henry VIII. ? On 12 th October 1537 she gave birth to Prince Edward. ? Jane grew sick