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文档介绍:Henry VIII and the Reformation in England
His Politics and
His Merriages
Henry VIII
.He was the King of England Ireland
.He broke with the church in Rome
.He is also noted for his six wives, two of whom were beheaded(斩首、处决).
.He is Henry the Eighth
Henry VIII
When the eighteen-year-old Henry Ⅷ(1491-1547) became King of England , he was extremely popular,for he had all the qualities that his people admired.
Henry VIII
His interest was “girls and hunting”,he spoke three foreign languages.
He was a first-class  horseman and musician.
He was a clever politician who trusted parliament(议会、国会)  and made full use of it.
Henry VIII
Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church(天主教堂). Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority(教皇权威), the Dissolution of the Monasteries(解散了修道院), and establishing himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England
His Merriages
Marriage to Catherine of Aragon
When Henry became King of England , he married Catherine , the daughter of the King of Spain and widow  of his elder brother.
She gave Henry a daughter,Mary,but all her sons died at birth.
But Henry badly  needed a began to feel that  God had not approved of his marriage and Pope(教皇) had been wrong to allow it.
Second Marriage- Anne Boleyn
In January 1533, Henry wed the pregnant Anne Boleyn, with Thomas Cranmer officiating(主持).
The Third Wife- Jane Seymour
The day after Anne's execution in 1536 Henry became engaged to Seymour, who had been one of the Queen's ladies-in- Seymour died in 1537 shortly after giving birth to the future Edward VI.
The 4th Wife- Anne of Cleves
Henry wed Anne of Cleves sight unseen on the advice of Cromwell, the purpose being to create by the marriage an alliance(联盟) with the Protestant(新教) princes. The marriage was annulled(废止) by Parliament(议会) and Cromwell was dismissed and eventually executed.