文档介绍:Objectives 1. Trauma system overview 2. Kentucky Trauma Registry 3. Potential uses Rural Trauma is DEADLY ? Rural /Urban: death risk 15:1 ? MVC deaths inversely to population density ? Preventable deaths 30% higher if rural Trauma ponents ? Verified Trauma Centers ? Training - EMT ’ s, nurses, and doctors ? Protocols -EMS & hospital treatment & transport ? Data collection and surveillance ?P erformance I mprovement (PI) ? Injury prevention Trauma system legislation in 2008. 5 1113 3 4 34 4 4 13 2 4 ED Length of Stay Marcum and Wallace Kentucky ’ s 1 st Level 4 Trauma Center Verification Visit September 13, 2010; Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital, Irvine September 13, 2010; Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital, Irvine Verification Team Lisa Fryman , RN Dick Bartlett, KHA . Richardson Andrew Bernard Kentucky Trauma mittee Membership (18 Members) Member anization Phone Email Bill Barnes KMA Livingston Hospital 270-988-3298 wbarnes@ Dick Bartlett KHA KHA 502-992-4305 Rbartlett@ Andrew Bernard ACS, KY COT UK 859-323-6346 ******@ Mary Fallat Pediatric Trauma Pediatric Surgery, UofL 502-629-8638 mary.******@ Terence Farrell Level II (Seeking) Pikeville Medical Center 606-218-3944 @ Glen Franklin Level I ( UofL ) UofL 502-852-1895 glen.******@ Lisa Fryman Level I (UK) UK 859-257-1231 lisa.******@ Linda Gayheart At Large Citizen, Hindman 606-785-0606 gayheart@ Chuck Geveden Transportation Office of Highway Safety 502-564-3730 chuck.******@ William Hacker KY Dept of Public missioner of Health 502-564-3970 WilliamD.******@ Sharon Mercer KY Board of Nursing KBN 502-429-3307 sharone.******@ Earl Motzer Level IV (Seeking) James B Haggin Hospital 859-734-5441 emotzer@ Bob Hammonds KY Board of EMS KBEMS 859-256-3181 Bob.******@ Charlotte O ’ Neal KY Emergency Nurses Association Frankfort Reg Med Ctr 502-226-7992 'Neal@ Chris Pund KY Am Coll of Emerg