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文档介绍:凯特王妃 2 0 1 3 - 1 2 - 1 5 Kate Middleton Kate childhood Kate Middleton ,who was born in a middle class family in Berkshire , England. Her father Michael Middleton was a businessman, became a millionaire by the mail-pany operates; mother, Carol, was previously a flight attendant. And now her sister Pippa is a party planner, brother James has started running his own panies. 凯特·米德尔顿, 1982 ·米德尔顿是一名商人,靠经营邮购公司成为百万富翁;母亲卡罗尔先前是一名空姐。而如今妹妹皮帕是一个聚会策划人,弟弟詹姆斯已经开始经营自己的烤面包公司。 As the eldest children in the family, Kate in Wilt County Marburg school. At school, people evaluate her as a high quality, e talented girl. 作为家中的长女,凯特在威尔特郡的马尔堡学院上学。上学时,人们评价她是一个高素质,受欢迎的才女。 Kate and William met at St Andrews University. A fashion show in 2002,Kate as one of the models in the T stage leisurely walking, William turned to nearby of his friend and said : "Wow, Kate is really hot." William is arranged in the front row position, when Kate wore black underwear and almost transparent dress appeared on the stage again, the prince has been completely fell in love with her. 他们是在圣安德鲁斯学校认识, 2002 年的一场时装秀,凯特作为模特之一在 T型台上款款走来, 威廉转头对身边的朋友说: “哇, 凯特真辣。”威廉被安排在最前排的位置, 当凯特穿着黑色的内衣以及近乎透明的裙子再次出现在台上时,王子已经完全为其倾倒了。 In April 19, 2011, Kate in the capital London,Westminster Abbey and Prince William married . 2011 年4月 19日,凯特在首都伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂与威廉王子结婚。 The wedding lasted 1 hours and 15 minutes, about 2000000000 people around the world watched the live broadcast, more than 8500 people in the media coverage, about 2000 guests at the scene .这场婚礼持续 1小时 15分,全球大约 20亿人观看直播,超过 8500 名媒体人全程报道, 大约 2000 名嘉宾现场观礼。 There are a lot of similarities between Kate and Diana. 凯特和戴安娜有很多相似之处。 The royal family seems to be elegant woman of the rich land, the British royal family since Princess Diana was never able to assume the Royal elegant spokesman status woman. But ten years later, t he British royal family finally ushered in another princess -- Kate Middleton . Although she was not b