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文档介绍:WOWTCG 赛制(限制赛) 0 推荐自己胡乱翻译的,如有错漏,请告诉我,谢谢! 资料来自 CZE 的文档《 World of Warcraft TCG Appendix 20110302 》,版权属于 CZE 。下面是节选赛制的部分。 A4. Tournament Formats 赛制 WoW TCG tournaments are one of two types: Constructed or Limited. (See Section 100 of prehensive Rules plete deckbuilding rules.) WOWTCG 有2种赛制:构筑赛和限制赛。(完整的构筑规则,请查看规则书第 100 节) Constructed formats require players to bring decks of their own cards that follow all deck building rules. There are two variants: 构筑赛要求牌手带上自己组的符合构筑规则的牌组。构筑赛有 2种环境。? Classic: Decks may use cards from all released sets and all promotional cards. 经典环境:牌组可以使用所有已发售版本和所有特殊牌。? Core: Decks may only use cards from certain blocks are legal (See A3. Legality of Sets above). 核心环境:牌组只能使用合法的牌。(请查看 A3. 版本的合法性) Limited formats require players to build a deck out ofa limited card pool given to them at the tournament. There are three variants: 限制赛要求牌手从各自有限的卡牌池中构筑牌组。限制赛又分 3种: ? Sealed Deck (including Team Sealed): Players receive a specified number of booster packs and build their decks with only the cards they open. For Team Sealed, players share the boosters they open. 现开赛(含组队现开):牌手分到一定数量的补充包,拆开后从中构筑自己的牌组。组队现开中,同队牌手共享这些补充包。? Booster Draft (including Team Draft): Players open packs and pass them around the table, picking one card ata time. For Team Draft, players do not share the drafted cards. 轮抽赛(含组队轮抽):牌手拆开补充包,然后顺着桌子传下去,每次抽走一张牌。组队轮抽中,同队牌手不共享这些抽到的牌。? Two-Pack Sealed: At the star