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上传人:iris028 2020/11/18 文件大小:35 KB





文档介绍:Autumn in the gloomy depression of the eyes is a symbol of autumn is in the eyes of the farmer's harvest, but in the eyes of love the autumn is a beautiful picture. - Title in mind
  Spondee have the advent of several autumn, autumn's picture has been lightly started, the fall of the angels came gently, and she get rid of the hot summer, cool autumn wind brought about a refreshing, but also brought about by different colors The gift of new clothes to do all things.
  Of view, the messenger of autumn came saw her simply pass play, the wind blowing through the breeze. Xiaocaohu were immediately put on new clothes golden, as if the carpet is a great shop to the distance. Welcomed the arrival of autumn messenger.
  The messenger of autumn light footsteps strode to the field. Well, the corn is full Jingying his white teeth smile envoy welcomed the arrival of Autumn. Look, see the fall of the messenger of sorghum also sorry it! Face up to red. Look fast, look at the rice beautiful new clothes themselves laughed.
  The messenger came to the orchard in autumn, the persimmon Ilex look put new clothes, red face . Like a red lantern. Look at the pear , like a doll in the tree, so cute.
  The messenger came to the garden in autumn, finger, chrysanthemum are competing to open up new clothes to wear, colorful, red, yellow, pink, and how beautiful and go through the dance-h