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文档介绍:2013 届毕业设计(论文) 题目: 在线购物网站开发学院: 浦江学院专业:电子信息工程班级: 姓名: 指导教师: 起讫时间: 201 3 -02- 20~ 201 3 -06-1 0 20 13年6月-1- 在线购物网站的开发摘要随着 的普及,人们购物可以不受时间空间的限制,不再受传统购物的诸多限制。现在网上购物已经普及。通过网络可以拥有更开阔的市场。伴随社会发展的发展, 具有强大的购物功能,会员功能和网站内容管理功能的网站已成为不同网上商店的需求。当然一般的购物功能是必不可少的。拥有一般网站具备的商品分类,搜索,检索,购物车,订单,在线支付,会员系统功能。以及管理员对注册用户,商品信息,新闻留言的管理完善。在我的系统中,顾客可以很方便的注册成为会员,对商品进行浏览检索,查看商品的详细资料,然后根据各人的喜好购买心仪的商品。系统会自动为顾客生成订单,按照顾客所填写的信息提交订单并发货。系统管理员则可以对现有的商品进行添加和编辑, 审查已注册的用户并对提交的订单进行处理。我运用 JSP 技术和网络数据库原理,通过采用了 Mysql 数据库,基于 B/S 模式开发了一个网上购物系统。整个开发过程通过前期对购物网站实现的调查分析,确定系统方案设计,以及确定使用 java 编成语言技术。之后对数据的需求分析,确定使用 Mysql 数据库, 通过编成调试到最后实现的具体功能交互。关键词:购物网站 JSP 技术数据库-2- The development of online shopping site Abstract With the popularity of the , people ’s shopping can not restricted by space time, no longer subject to the limitations of traditional shopping. Now online shopping is popular. Through work can have a broader market. With the development of the social development, has the formidable shopping function, membership function and web site content management functionality has e the demand of different online stores. Of course the general shopping function is indispensable. Have generally have sites modity classification, search, search, shopping cart, order, online payment, the member system function. And administrators to registered users, product information, news message management perfect. In my system, customers can easily register asa member, carries on the browsing retrieval modity, check the details of the goods, and then the be fond of according to each purchase the right goods. System will automatically generate orders for customers, according to the customers to fill out the information to submit the order and delivery. System administrators can add and edit existing goods, review the registered user and to submit orders for processing. I used the JSP technology work database theory, by using the Mysql database, based on B/S mode has developed an online shopping system. Throughout the development process of s


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