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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《李世民英文简介》的内容,具体内容:唐太宗李世民,是唐高祖李渊和窦皇后的次子,唐朝第二位皇帝,杰出的政治家、战略家、军事家、诗人。下面是我为你整理的,希望对你有用!唐太宗李世民简介Tang Taizong...
Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queens second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, strategists, military strategists, poets.
Li Shimin juvenile army, went to Yanmen off to save the Emperor. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin official residence Shangshu order, right Wuhou big general, by the closure of Qin Guogong, after the seal for the Qin Wang, has led his troops to settle the Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shicong and other warlords, in the Tang Dynasty to establish and unify the process Neutral under the illustrious military exploits.
AD 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June fourth day), Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Men of change, to kill his brother Prince Li Jiancheng, four brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji and two sons, was established Prince, Tang Gao Zu Li Yuan soon abdicated, Li Shimin ascended the throne, change Yuan Zhenguan.
Li Shimin after the emperor, and actively listen to the views of the ministers, to the text of the rule of the world, modesty remonstrance, the implementation of conservatio


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