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上传人:梅花书斋 2020/11/28 文件大小:180 KB




文档介绍:Keys to the exercises
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation
Communication Exercises
1. Change the sentences from negative to positive.
1) I want a job.
2) I work hard.
3) My job is terrific.
4) This office is great.
5) My co-workers are super.
6) The Personnel Director is nice.
7) My health is good.
8) My attitude is positive.
9) I make a good impression.
10) I understand.
2. Change or add to these sentences so that they do not just state what you want, but invite your negotiating partner’s opinion.
a) Could we finish at five---if that’s all right with you?
b) I hope you don’t mind if Miss Li sits in during the negotiation?
c) Perhaps we could take a break now. Is that OK?
d) Could we look at these three areas this morning?
e) I would like to go through the written offer clause by clause, if that’s OK?
f) Do you mind if I answer your questions at the end?
3. What is meant by “negotiation”? How would you define “negotiation”?
A negotiation is a meeting in which both parties need each other’s agreement to reach a specific objective. It is the
mechanism by which people trade things of value in a civilized manner. Negotiation depends on communication. It occurs between individuals acting either for themselves or as representatives of organized groups. Negotiations are very much part of working and home life. Negotiations could be either internal or external, long or short, formal or informal. The goal of negotiation is not to win but to succeed. The mechanism of successful negotiation is collaboration.
In negotiations, both parties should know
----why they negotiate
----who they negotiate with
----what they negotiate about
----where they negotiate
----when they negotiate
----how they negotiate
mechanism [5mekEnizEm] n.---- a process by which something is done or comes into being
4. Fill in the blanks
human, negotiable, interest, giving, trust
5. Answer


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