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文档介绍:putation of the Dynamic Inductance of Systems and Force Distribution in ic Region on the Basis of 3–D Numerical Simulation of ic Field N. Doinikov, V. Kukhtin, E. Lamzin, B. Mingalev, Yu. Severgin, S. Sytchevsky, The Scienti?c Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, 189631, St.-Petersburg, Russia Static and dynamic inductances are ones of the main technical parameters of systems at the designing stage. Pondero- motive force distributionis required for mechanical stress calcu- lations. The static inductance is used for evaluations of the stored en- ergy, ic ?ux linkage in coils at instantaneous currents. The dynamic inductance allows to de?ne the interrelation be- tween the instantaneous ?ux linkage and currents determining a transient process in coils. In the given paper a technique for determination of the dy- namic inductance for systems on the assumption of no eddy currents in ic elements of a constructionis pro- posed. This technique necessitates the evaluation of ic energy at two rather close values of current in a coil on the mag- netization curve, . static parameters of a system are applied for the determination of the dynamic inductance. As, at present, systems are more frequently designed on the basis of a ic ?eld distribution analysis, obtained as a re- sult of numerical simulation, the calculation of energy involves no dif?culties. Algorithmic aspects of numerical simulation of speci?c and surface ponderomotiveforce loads for practical needs for design- ing electrophysical devices are given. I. DETERMINATION OF THE DYNAMIC INDUCTANCE The total ic energy Wcan be determined as follows [1], [2] where , - are the ic induction and strength vectors; - is the vector potential ( ); , , - are the densityvector, total current and ?ux linkage of the K-th coil; - is the transverse cross-section of the K-th coil; - is the loopof an elementary current ?lament with cross- section. In the general case the dynamic inductance of a current coil


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