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文档介绍:Chapter 1
Introduction to Electronic Commerce
Contents of Chapter^
Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave
Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes
Economic Forces
entifying Electronic Commerce opportunities
ternational Nature of Electronic Commerce
Learning Objectives:
—-In this chapter, you will learn about:----------
(1) What electronic commerce is and how it is experiencing a second wave of growth with a new focus on profitability
(2) Why companies now concentrate on revenue models a analysis of business processes instead of business model they undertake electronic commerce initiatives
■ow economic forces have created a business environment s fostering the second wave of electronic commerce
(4) How businesses use value chains and SWOT analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities
(5) The international nature of electronic commerce and the challenges that arise in engaging in electronic commerce on a global scale

• From humble beginnings in the mid-1990s, electronic commerce grew rapidly until 2000, when a major downturn occurred.
椅 Many people have seen news stories about the "dot・com boom,^ followed by the "dot・com bursf or the "dot・bomb.”
椅In the 2000 to 2003 period, many industry observers were writing obituaries(t卜告)for electronic commerce. Just as the unreasonable expectations for immediate success fueled the high expectations during the boom years, overly gloomy news reports colored perceptions during this time.
• Beginning in 2003, with the general economy still in the doldrums, electronic commerce began to show signs of new life. Companies that had survived the downturn were not only seeing growth in sales again, but many of them were showing profits.
椅Although the rapid expansion and high levels of investment of the boom years are not likely to be repeated, the second wave of electronic commerce is well under way.
Electronic commerce and Electron