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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/6 文件大小:376 KB




文档介绍:Dialogue: 0,0:01:,0:01:,丁丁历险记:独角兽号的秘密
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:,
Very nearly there, sir. [中文] 就快完成了 先生
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:
I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before? [中文] 我得说 你很面熟 我以前画过你吗?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:
Occasionally. [中文] 偶尔吧
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:
Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. [中文] 肯定见过啦! 英国报纸上
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:,
You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. [中文] 你是通讯员? 我是个记者
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:,
Be patient, Snowy, not much 白雪 就快好了
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:,
I do beg your pardon. [中文] 真不好意思
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:04:,
There. [中文] 好了
Dialogue: 0,0:04:,0:05:,
I believe I have captured something of your likeness. [中文] 我觉得还是有掌握到你的一些特点
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Not bad! [中文] 还不错!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
What do you think, Snowy? [中文] 你觉得怎么样 白雪?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Snowy! [中文] ,哦 白雪!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
There you are, sir. [中文] 给您的 先生
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Now where's he run off to? [中文] 他去哪了?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Anything? [中文] ,有消息吗?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Nothing. [中文] 一无所获
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Snowy! [中文] 白雪!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Where have you been? [中文] 你去哪了?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Chasing cats again? [中文] 又去追猫咪了?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Snowy, look at this! [中文] 白雪 看这个!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:05:,
Triple masted. [中文] 三桅船
Dialogue: 0,0:05:,0:06:,
Double decks. Fifty guns. [中文] 双层甲板 配有五十门炮
Dialogue: 0,0:06:,0:06:,
Isn't she a beauty? [中文] 是不是很漂亮?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:,0:06:,
That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate. [中文] 这可是一艘很独特的样品 是一位老船长的遗物
Dialogue: 0,0:06:,0:06:,
"The Unicorn." [中文] “独角兽号”
Dialogue: 0,0:06:,0:06:,
Unicorn. Man o'w