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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/12 文件大小:397 KB





文档介绍:Silent Witness
Tycoon Lin Tai’s daughter Lin Mengmeng becomes the murder suspect of his father’s fiancee(未婚妻)Yang Dan. Her defense lawyer(辩护律师) Zhou Li and prosecutor(公诉人) Tong Tao gains in-depth understanding through cross examinations in court before Lin Tai admits that he murdered Yang Dan in court. Did Lin Tai really murder Yang Dan? Who is actually the murderer of Yang Dan? With the courts get involved it, the truth is more and more like a whirling crime. All the people are in puzzled, the truth hides in mist.
Leading characters
Silent witness is a Chinese crime thriller film written and directed by Fei Xing.
As usual, this movie was about law and human sentiment. It was frightening at the beginning when the prosecutor and the defense lawyer started a debate in the court. The storyline is well-plotted and I was convinced by the "truth" that Meng Meng
was not the real murderer and someone was hiding
something. Her father Lin Tai was a typhoon in this
movie and he successfully led the audience to believe
that he was the murderer.
Lin Tai was frustrated and lost his mind in a scene while he was replying to Tong Tao. He accidentally exposed a phrase "I will die in The Wall of Dragon Back" and this was realized and doubted by Tong Tao.
Finally, Tong Tao found that Lin Tai built a same park and saved his


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