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文档介绍:郑州大学西亚斯国际学院从广告语言及创意看中美文化差异 The Chinese-American Culture Differences in the Language and Creativity of Advertisement 姓名学籍号专业商务英语级别 2007 系别外语学院指导教师填表日期: 2011 年4月18日 The Chinese-American Culture Differences in the Language and Creativity of Advertisement 从广告语言及创意看中美文化差异 ID NO. 20071411432 Tan Beijia (Tara Tan) S ubmitted asa partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of English SIAS International College of Zhengzhou University April 18, 20 11 Faculty Advisor: Yao Yujie Acknowledgments I would like to expres my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Ms. Yao Yujie, for all her support and encouragement through the whole process of my writing and researching, and for her ments and advices on my thesis in all aspects. Without her great patience and generous help, pletion of this thesis would not have been possible. A lso, I heartily thank all other teachers who have taught and instructed me during my course. F inally, my special gratitude goes to my family and my close friends, who have shown care, love and expectation throughout my thesis writing. T hey always stand by my side whenever I need them. It is my fortune to have them all in my life. i A bstract W ith the globalization of politics and economy, the economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries are increasing. As a specific carrier of culture, advertisement has e a significant instrument in cross-munication. Besides, advertising is subordinate to culture, and influenced by culture. A sharp contrast does exist in culture differences between China and America, sodo the advertisements which can be traced in the language and creativity of advertising. A dvertisements are products of economy. In cross-munication, each countries histories, values and thinking patterns are unique, thus the cultural contrast is inevitable. When Chinese advertisements showing in the global market, there isa crash between Chinese traditional culture and Western culture. T herefore, it has a significant


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