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上传人:xiarencrh 2020/12/17 文件大小:538 KB




摘 要:近几年,随着人民生活水平的提高,及汽车价格的一降再降,有车在老百姓看来已是越来越平常的事。可是,如果你住在一些较老的小区,会发现,买车容易,停车可就难了;更有甚者,有些人为了能在市中心上班地找到一个泊车位,不得不比挤公车起得还早。为什么会这样,这既有历史原因,人们没想到国人会如此快的拥有自己的家庭轿车,也有中国过于太快的城市化,使城市本就薄弱的基础设施捉襟见肘,所以,国家不能承受城市无限度的外扩,也就不允许在每个建筑外面留下大块的空地作为停车场。因此,“车库”是大中城市的热门话题,国家经贸委将“城市立体车库”列为“近期行业技术发展重点”,随着家用汽车的不断增加,公共场所及社区内存车矛盾、车挤绿地的问题将会越来越突出,在人们对生活质量和环境意识不断增强之时“车库”日渐成为热门话题,机械自动化立体车库将会在新开发的楼盘及商业里大显身手。
关键词:PLC;立体停车库;升降机;载车板;自动化;车位控制 。 
Abstract: In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, and vehicle prices dropped lower and lower, there are car people seem to have become more and more commonplace. However, if you live in some older communities, you will find easy to buy a car, parking can be difficult; Even worse, some people go to work in the city center in order to find a parking space, had to play more than catch the bus was still early. Why this is so, it has a historical reason, people did not think people would be so quick to have their own family cars, as well as Chinese Guo Yu too fast urbanization, the urban poor in this respect of the infrastructure stretched, so the country can not afford city Wu Xian degree of foreign expansion,
Also not allowed to leave in each large open space outside the building as a parking lot. Therefore, the "garage" is a hot topic in cities, the State Economic and Trade Commission to "city parking" as "the recent industry focus on technological development", as the family car increases, the public spaces and community memory conflicts car, cars crowded green issues will become increasingly prominent in people's quality of life and time of growing environmental consciousness, "the ga