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文档介绍:1 财富人生 1. 经济价值衡量 The worth ofa thing is what it will bring. 一件东西的价值在于它带来的东西 The balance distinguisheth not between gold and lead. 重量不等于价值 All things have their place know we how to place them. 如果我们知道应当怎样放置,每样东西都有用 A barley-corn is better than a diamond toa cock. 对公鸡来说,大麦比钻石好 A turd is as good for a sow asa pancake. 对于母猪,大粪同煎饼一样好吃 Draff is good enough for swine. 对猪来说,大粪就够好了 Out of season, out of price. 过了季节变了价钱 All ’s alike at the latter day; a bad of gold and wisp of hay. A thousand pounds and a bottle of hay, is all one thing at doom ’s day. 到了世界末日,一袋黄金和一束干草同等无二 2 .价值与艰辛 Pain is the price that God putteth upon all things.(Greek) 辛苦是价值 Pain is gain. 苦即是得 Pain is forgotten where gain follows. 有得忘记苦 Great gain makes work easy. 利大易做 Great pain and little gain will make a man soon weary. 利小苦多的活儿让人累 Many a thing ’s made for money. 物品为钱而造 The more cost, the more worship (honour). 代价大,身价高 2 What cost little is little esteemed. 代价小的东西不受重视 No bees, no honey; no work, no money. 没有蜂就没有蜜; 不工作,不收益 Where bees are, there is honey. 蜂在哪,蜜在哪 You shall have as good as you bring. 付出多少,得到多少 Nothing to be got without pains but poverty. 不受苦,只能得到贫穷劳动者获得 He that will not work shall not eat. (Latin) He who does not work neither shall he eat.(Bible) 不劳动者不得食 A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats. 不背鞍子的马不能吃燕麦 Service without reward is punishment. 没有报酬的服务是惩罚 Nothing isa man ’s truly But what he came by duly. 正当获得的才是真正拥有的 3 .金钱之特点 Money isa good traveler is the world. 货币爱旅行 Money is round and roll away. (Italian) 金钱圆而善滚走 Money has no smell. (Latin) 金钱没有味道 Money begets (breeds, makes )money. 钱生钱 Money is e, though es ina dirty clout. 金钱到处受欢迎,即使它破烂肮脏 Money isa good servant but a bad master. 金钱是好奴仆坏主人 4 .金钱的力量 Money is the god of the world. 3 金钱是世界的主宰 Money is ace of trumps. 金钱是王牌中的王牌 Gold is the sovereign of sovereigns. 金子是权威中的权威 God makes and apparel shapes, but it is money that finishes the man. 上帝造人,衣衫装人,金钱完善人 Money makes the man. (Greek) 钱造人 A man without money isa bow without


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