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文档介绍:电子科技大学成都学院电子科技大学成都学院论文物理学的发展系别: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 摘要 1 摘要物理学是研究宇宙间物质存在的基本形式、性质、运动和转化、内部结构等方面,从而认识这些结构的组成元素及其相互作用、运动和转化的基本规律的科学。物理学的各分支学科是按物质的不同存在形式和不同运动形式划分的。人对自然界的认识来自于实践,随着实践的扩展和深入,物理学的内容也在不断扩展和深入。随着物理学各分支学科的发展,人们发现物质的不同存在形式和不同运动形式之间存在着联系,于是各分支学科之间开始互相渗透。物理学也逐步发展成为各分支学科彼此密切联系的统一整体。本文基于大众对物理及物理学本身的认知了解甚少,且思路不清晰,遂将物理学的发展分为物理学萌芽时期、经典物理学时期和现代物理学时期三个发展阶段,将每一阶段的重要人物及所做出的重要结论和贡献有一个整理及说明,使读者对于物理学的发展有一个明确的认识,让物理学在读者心中留下较深的印象, 从而加强物理学在人们心中的低位,推动物理学的发展! 关键字: 物理学,实践, 三个发展阶段 ABSTRACT 2 A BSTRACT Physics is the study of the basic form of matter in the universe, nature, sports, and transformation, internal structure, and so on, so as to understand position elements of these structures and their interaction, movement and transformation of the basic laws of science. All subfields of physics is based on material in different forms and different exercise forms Division. es from practice of human nature, as the extension and deepening of the practice, content is also expanding and deepening of the physics. With the development of various subfields of physics, material has been found in different forms and different exercise forms a connection between, between branch and the beginning of mutual ration. Branches have gradually developed into the physics of unified whole subjects closely linked to each other. This based on mass on physical and the physics itself of cognitive understanding very less, and thought does not clear, was will physics of development is divided into physics sprout period, and classic physics period and modern physics period three a development stage, will each stage of important character and the by made of important conclusions and contribution has a finishing and the description, makes readers for Physics of development has a clear of awareness, let physics in readers heart left more deep of impression, to strengthening physics in people heart of low, promote physics of development! 目录 3 目录第1章引言........................................................................