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上传人:麒麟才子 2016/5/4 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:宿舍楼建筑结构设计摘要在实际工程中,钢筋混凝土框架结构是一种较为普遍结构形式,广泛应用于住宅、办公、学校等公共建筑。本设计主要对多层框架教学楼的横向框架进行了设计。在进行设计时首先查《荷载规范》对结构的恒载、活载、风荷载以及地震荷载进行计算。竖向荷载利用分层法、水平荷载利用 D 值法进而得到各种作用下结构各杆件的内力标准值。然后按照最不利组合方式,对各种作用下的内力进行组合。最后在组合中找出各杆件最不利的一组或几组对构件进行截面设计,选取最安全的结果进行配筋并绘出施工图。本设计还对基础、楼板、楼梯等进行了设计,并绘出了结构施工图。除对本框架进行手算外,还利用了 PKPM 对本结构进行了电算。通过本次毕业设计并充分结合我四年来学到的基本知识使我了解了框架结构设计的全过程,达到了从理论到实践的飞跃。同时通过设计中使用的建筑方面的规范和软件,使我更加熟悉了规范和软件的使用操作,为我以后工作打下了良好的基础。关键词: 结构设计;荷载计算;配筋计算全套图纸,加 153893706 The D esign of 147 D ormitory B uilding S tructure ABSTRACT In practical engineering, the reinforced concrete frame structure has been mon structural form owing to its essful applications in many areas such as residences, officers, schools and other public buildings. This thesis is aimed at the design for transverse frame of teaching buildings with multistory frame. Firstly, dead loads, live loads, wind load and seismic load of the structure are calculated referring to“ Load Standards ”. Then the standard values of each members of structure under horizontal load and vertical load can be obtained by using stratification method and “D” method respectively. Besides, the internal forces under various load bined according to the most bination mode. Finally, the most unfavorable one or several ones binations are selected for the design of section. In this way, the safest results reinforcement is chosen and production drawing is designed. The basement, the floor and the stairs are also designed and structural production drawing are designed in this thesis. Moreover, the puterization is shown by using PKPM. Thanks to this graduation design, Iput all the knowledge I learned in the past four years into use. I master the entire process of the design of frame structure and know how to apply the theory to practice. Meanwhile, I e more familiar with the standards and operations of relative softwares than before. All i have done lay a good foundation for my future work. Keywords: S tructure D esign; L oad C alculation ;R einforcement C ompute 目录 1


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