系 部: 汽车工程系
专 业: 汽车检测与维修
班 级: 汽电 091
学生姓名: 张 召
学 号: 0 9 1 6 0 3 1 34
指导教师: 袁 霞
2012年 6 月11 日
摘 要 :近年来,随着电子技术、计算机技术和信息技术的应用,汽车电子控制技术得到了迅猛的发展,不仅能提高汽车的动力性、经济性和安全性,改善行驶的稳定性和舒适性,推动汽车工业的发展,还在控制精度、范围、适应性、智能化和网络化等多方面有了较大突破,成为衡量现代汽车发展水平的重要标志汽车电子控制技术已成为衡量现代汽车发展水平的重要标志。
关键词:电子控制 控制精度 传感器 机电整合
Abstract:In recent years, as electronic technology, and computer technology and information technology of application, car electronic control technology are has rapid of development, not only can improve car of power sexual, and economic sexual and security, improve driving of stability and comfortable sexual, promoting car industrial of development, also in control precision, and range, and adaptability, and intelligent of and network, multifaceted has has larger breakthrough, became measure modern car development level of important flag car electronic control technology has became measure modern car development level of important flag
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