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文档介绍:.页眉. 页脚. 矿井提升系统节能控制方案的研究摘要矿产资源是国家自然资源的重要组成部分,是国民经济的基础,而矿井提升机是矿山生产的关键设备。提升机的电控装置性能怎样,将直接影响矿山生产的安全与效率。本课题设计了新型提升机控制系统,介绍了矿井提升机的产生与发展过程。分析了传统的转子串级调速方法功耗情况和优缺点,以及采用变频调速的控制方法电机的功耗情况,在此基础上分析了传统绕线式电机调速控制系统的特点以及变频调速系统的特点。论文研究了矿井提升机的提升控制及速度控制、实现了节能、安全性的要求,着重研究了系统的变频调速方案、研究了变频调速系统的工作原理,并对转子变频调速进行了建模。分析了提升机控制系统的组成以及开车方式的控制。设计了提升机自动控制系统的监控系统;通过给定参数的计算和具体数据的比较,证明了这种控制方式的优越性和实用性。最后,研究了 PROFIBUS 现场总线在提升机控制系统中的作用,设计了提升机的控制系统网络以及通讯参数的设置,研究了提升机控制系统的节能效果以及其他方面的优点。关键词矿井/提升机/节能/变频调速/. 页脚. R ESEARCH THE CONTROL OF MINE HOIST SYSTEM ENERGY PROGRAM ABSTRACT The mineral resource is an important part of the natural resource, it is the foundation of the national economy, and the mine hoist is the key equipment in the mine production. The function of the hoist ′s electronic device will directly determine the safety and efficiency of the production in mines. The paper designs the hoist control system, which using puter software and hardware technology 、 field bus technology 、 frequency conversion technology and PLC technology, in order to make the hoist achieve safe, energy-saving purposes. The paper discusses the development of the mine hoist ,then analysis the advantages and disadvantages of traditional winding motor speed control system and the frequency speed regulation system. Through researching the mine hoist control 、 the speed control 、 the requirements and characteristics of the energy saving and safety ,then analysis and design the rotor frequency control system theory and program, S-shaped given speed curve and double PLC control system. Discusses position of the hoist control system and the style of driving control. Design the monitoring system of the control system, analysis the characteristics of the hoist control system and the importance of production in the coal mine. It fully indicates the superiority and practicability of this control method. Finally, it discusses the importance of the PROFIBUS field bus in control .页眉. 页脚. system , analysis the elevator control work,


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