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导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《高一英语作文我的好朋友三篇》的内容,具体内容:真正的友情不依靠什么,不依靠事业、祸福和身份,不依靠经历、地位和处境。其实我的好朋友英语作文并不难写。下面是我给大家整理的,供你参考!篇1A pretty poor...
A pretty poor, but her performance is very good, but in order to can not be so poor went home to read...
Is a lively and lovely, but is likely to be like her mother in order not to let the general classmates, also transfer the...
A man called jade-like stone, she is my friend, can accompany me to study in the ancient stove, when I was her sister, that is, of course, I also when she was younger sister...
One day, I and jade-like stone to travel together, all the time thinking about girl and instrument.
Jade-like stone said: do you want to, and now?
I said, maybe they also on travel!
We walk, suddenly I met on the road, qi depressed, guided sister go together.
Jade-like stone said: is that a girl? We used to see the girl is not so!
I go over and whispered, qi, how to return a responsibility, how depressed?
Qi also quietly said: as you know our family is very poor, but the teacher in charge have to we go to our home quickly
I met you, my dear friends, the boundless huge crowd know each other, may be, may be god wants us to become close to.
Pan is good friend, I met several years ago when we met, I had a kind of friend


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