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Abortion and Islam_ Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa:流产和islam_政策和实践在中东和北非.pdf

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Abortion and Islam_ Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa:流产和islam_政策和实践在中东和北非.pdf

上传人:小泥巴 2016/5/7 文件大小:0 KB


Abortion and Islam_ Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa:流产和islam_政策和实践在中东和北非.pdf


文档介绍:FEATURES Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa Leila Hessini Senior Policy Advisor, Ipas, o. E-mail: hessinil@ Abstract :This paper provides an overview of legal, religious, medical and social factors that serve to support or hinder women’s access to safe abortion services in the 21 predominantly Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, where one in ten pregnancies ends in abortion. Reform efforts, including progressive interpretations of Islam, have resulted in laws allowing for early abortion on request in two countries; six others permit abortion on health grounds and three more also allow abortion in cases of rape or fetal impairment. However, medical and social factors limit access to safe abortion services in all but Turkey and Tunisia. To address this situation, efforts are increasing in a few countries to introduce post-abortion care, document the magnitude of unsafe abortion and understand women’s experience of unplanned pregnancy. Religious fat awa have been issued allowing abortions in certain circumstances. An understanding of variations in Muslim beliefs and practices, and the interplay between politics, religion, history and reproductive rights is key to understanding abortion in different Muslim societies. More needs to be done to build on efforts to increase women’s rights, munity leaders, suppor