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摘 要
随着Internet的迅速崛起,网络信息化的发展,在线图书销售作为一种典型的Web电子商务系统也迅速的发展并深入人们的日常生活中。更多的人更愿意足不出户就可以挑选购买自己喜欢的各种书籍,这样大大缩短了购书的时间,提高了效率。可见,网上图书销售系统跨越了时间和空间的限制,给商业流通领域带来了不一样的变革,也给消费者带来了便捷。本系统采用B/S结构进行设计, C#.net语言开发的一个功能完善的网上图书销售系统。其具有一定的实用性,用户可以在网上浏览图书信息,查找图书资料,将感兴趣的书籍加入收藏夹,或放入购物车并下订单购买;同时,管理员也可以对整个系统的信息和数据进行管理,可以管理库存书信息、分类信息、出版社信息、用户信息和订单信息。此外,本论文采用的分析方法和设计过程具有一定的普遍性,可以应用到其它系统的开发设计当中。
The Design and Realization of Web Bookshop Management System Based on .NET
With the rapid rise of Internet, the development of network information technology, web bookshop system as a typical electronic commerce system also develops rapidly and deeps into people’s life. More and more people could be willing to select and buy their favorite books at home, so that is greatly reducing the time of shopping, and improving the efficiency. Obviously, the web bookshop management system has crossed the constraint of the time and the space, it not only brings a different change to the commercial domain, but also brings convenient to the consumers. The system used B/S structure and developed a well-functioning online book sales system with the use of Visual C#.net language based on .NET. Also, the system has some practicality, customers can browse the details of books on Internet, search information of books, and add the books which they like to the favorites, or put them to the shopping cart and place an order to buy them. At the same time, Administrators can manage the entire system’s information and data, as the information of inventory, category, publishers, customers and orders. In addition, the analysis method and design process in the thesis have some universality, and can be applied to design other application system.
Key words: Web bookshop system; .NET; Electronic commerce; Database
目 录
1 引言 1
课题背景 1
本课题研究内容 1
本课题研究的意义 1
2 网上图书销售系统相关技术 1
.NET开发平台及C#.NET开发语言 1
微软企业库 2


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