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文档介绍:Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here. 各位, 早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 Wonderful to see you here. 高兴见到你们。 I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here. 我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 This does not mean it isa class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you. 但希望几堂课后, 你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 I came here in 1992 and studied puter science and concentrator. 我 1992 年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year. 大二期间,突然顿悟了。 I realized that I was ina wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially. 我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn ’t understand why. 一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 It was then ina matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and e happier. 也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 And that was when I switched my concentration puter science to philosophy and psychology. 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 With a single question: How can I e happier. 目标只有一个: 怎么让自己开心起来。 Overtime I did e happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn ’t have the name that it has today. 渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域, 那时并未正式命名。 But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology. 但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。 Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier . 研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。 It continues to make me happier. 而且这种快乐继续着。 And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it wi


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