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上传人:raojun00001 2021/1/20 文件大小:31 KB




加薪申请表英文自我评价篇一 Time flies,came to work,has been more than a our company this year,step by step through the footprints,to see this year’s changes and development,really very happy.
Self - evaluation of employees’ salary increase self - evaluation
As the work of the enterprise,this year,the company has all aspects of the work of a whole upgrade,the Ministry of Training work on the right track,the Department of the work of the Department of systematic,scientific,marketing performance increases,Production of the work of the continued standardization,are in the direction of the benign development,all this is a gratifying achievement.
As an individual,since the incumbent company,feel the company’s most sincere concern for the staff and training,by several leaders of the weight,care and help,are borne in mind,will be in the future work to make persistent efforts to forge ahead,Continue to develop their own,for enterprises to make greater contributions.
At present,enterprises in a very rapid development stage,there are many areas need to be most important thing is thinking,consciousness,at this point on the various aspects of the objective requirements of enterprises and thinking,the staff should be positive,especially the


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