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Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)
26. Link method is a good way for students to remember English words。 Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word in the sentence?
A. /’medsn/ 
B. /'mesIDZ/
C。 /’meθEd/     
27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?ﻫA. He earns a salary of 4,000 yuan a month.              B. Tim is in a difficult situation . Why are you so unhappy?                          D. The case is heavy, but I can manage.
28. He had such _______unusual day with the famous writer that he would remember it forever.
A. an
B. a
C。 /  
D。 the
29. Some people might choose to live in a village, but _______enjoy the colorful life of the city。 
A。 the other 
B。 the others    
C. another
D. others
30. On Halloween, if adults don’t give children candies, children can play tricks _________them。
A。 with 
B. for
C. on
D。 of
31. The twin sisters often feel the same way but ______of them have their own ideas now and then.
A. neither  
B. both  
C. either 
D。 all
32。 Jenny's pen—pal will come to sec her this weekend, ______ she is happy to welcome her guest.
A。 or  
B。 but 
C. so 
D。 while
33. Please notice these words as ______ as possible in order not to make the same mistakes。
A. careful 
B。 more careful   
C. more carefully 
D. carefully
34。 The topic ”Food Safety— receives______. Internet hits (打击) from customers every day。
A. thousands  
B. thousand   
C。 thousand of 
D. thousands of
35. You won’t find a good solution _______you put your heart into the project on environment.
A。 unless  
B. if  
C. though  
D. because
36. Michael seemed very _______when Miss Green praised him for what he did for the class。
A. exciting  
B。 excited  
C. sad     
D。 sadly
37。 You _______make a quick decision right


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