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文档介绍:Is Integrity Really Necessary? ?小组成员: ?沈雅文侯敏乔颖 11 工商三班? My opinion :? We in good faith is very necessary 沈雅文 e and the cherry tree story ? e saw in his yard has a cherry tree, also want to try the ax fast, then put the tree of his father's cherry tree to chop down, he's afraid. When his father asked him who the trees were cut, e admitted. He said he was going to say sincere letter 沈雅文 Below are some of the words about integrity The word once spoken can never be withdrawn 民间谚语说:一言既出,驷马难追 False of the sincerity, more terrible than the devil 虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕--泰戈尔沈雅文 The issues of integrity in our lives are everywhere ? Lei Feng is our hero, but now the children don't recognize. This is a picture of a child by the images of Lei Feng asked: who is he 沈雅文? So honesty is necessary 沈雅文 Shang Yang political reform advancement wood for the letter ?商鞅变法徒木为信? Reciprocate Wood 乔颖《 The Wolf 》? Bogus Wolf ? Believe Result Behavior of cheat: ? Some students cheat on exams; Copy; Companies cheat our customers. 乔颖 I think 乔颖