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文档介绍:10级应用化学(2)班 郑禄春 B2010063224
Lessen 24  Chemical Reactions
Conservation  of mass and  energy(质量与能量守恒)
Two conservation laws(定律) apply to all chemical reactions: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and matter can neither be created nor destroyed。 Thus the atoms taking part in a chemical reaction may be rearranged, but all the atoms present in the reactants must also be present in the products, and the total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products。
What is a chemical reaction?
A chemical reaction occurs when substances (the reactants) collide (碰撞) with enough energy to rearrange to form different compounds (the products). The change in energy that occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics(热力学)and the rate or speed at which a reaction occurs is described by kinetics (动力学) . Reactions in which the reactants and products
coexist are considered to be in equilibrium(处于平衡). A chemical equation consists of the chemical formula(化学式)of the reactants, and the chemical formula of the products。 The two are separated by an → usually read as “yields” and each chemical formula is separated from others by a plus sign (加号) . Sometimes a triangle is drawn over the arrow symbol to denote energy must be added to the substances for the reaction to begin. Each chemical formula may be preceded by a scalar (数量的) coefficient indicating the proportion (比例)  of that substance necessary to produce the reaction in formula。 For instance, the formula for the burning of methane(CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O) indicates that twice as much O2 as CH4 is needed, and when they react, twice as much H2O as CO2 will be produced。 This is because during the reaction, each atom of carbon needs exactly two atoms of oxygen to combine with, to produce the CO2, and every two atoms of hydrogen need an atom of oxygen to combine with to pr