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摘要:企业管理的理论从产生以来,先后经历了经验管理阶段、科学管理阶段、战略管 理阶段。随着知识经济的发展和经济全球化的演进,企业遇到的挑战更为严峻。人们终 于认识到企业管理必须“以人为本”。要加强对人的管理,但不是再靠“提高劳动定额”、 “实行绩效工资”和单纯指望技术进步,而是依靠建设企业文化。就是要用开发和培育 积极的企业文化来塑造从企业决策者、管理者到劳动者的理念、价值观与精神、风尚, 使人和企业的整体素质提高,以适应新的要求。企业管理的发展由此进入了一个新阶段。 这个阶段是文化管理阶段,是综合创新阶段。研究企业文化和企业核心竞争力的相关内 容和结构,旨在从企业文化的形成、塑造和提升过程中找出利用企业把握核心理念的有 效途径,对企业具备的能力提供文化导向从而形成具有企业特色的核心竞争力。
研究企业文化,就是坚持理论与实践相结合,要自觉地适应社会经济发展趋势,运 用企业文化理论,建设符合企业实际的文化,提升企业的管理水平,树立企业的市场意 识,增强企业的竞争力。企业文化和企业核心竞争力是同属于企业内部两个层面的重要 核心,并且企业文化和核心竞争力密不可分、缺一不可。核心竞争力是由企业文化力、 企业学****力、企业创新力这三力有机结合构成的企业竞争优势的能量源,企业文化是企 业核心竞争力的潜在补给,无形地给企业注入精神动力和指导方向。
关键词:企业管理 企业文化 核心竞争力
Perspective on Competitiveness of Corporate Culture Management
Abstract: Since generation ,the theory of business management has gone through the stage of experience management, the stage of scientific management and strategic management phases. With the development of knowledge economy and the evolution of economic globalization, enterprises encountered more severe challenges. People realized that corporate management must be "people-oriented" finally. To strengthen the management of people, but not longer rely on "raising the labor," "implement pay for performance" and a simple count of technological progress, but depend on corporate need to develop and training positive corporate culture to shape the concept ,values and spirit, fashion of the decision-makers, managers and workers, people and businesses improve the overall quality to meet the new requirements. The development of business management which has entered a new stage. This is the cultural management and integrated innovation stage. Of corporate culture and core competitiveness of enterprises related to the content and structure, designed from the formation of corporate culture, shape and enhance to find an effective way to grasp the core concept of the enterprise have the ability to provide cultural orientation to form a companycharacteristics of the core competitiveness.
Of corporate