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文档介绍:第二周词义的选择及其理据: 概念的内涵与外延 Part I : Choices of Semantic Items of Words in Translation and Their Motivations: Denotation & Connotation 国际商务英语学院国贸 1-2 班英语笔译课讲义 Meaning Types of Words Denotative meaning : a) conceptual or logical meaning of a word; b) being the name or sign or symbol of sth .; c) the definition of a word which refers to a thing or object or an abstract idea; . tree: large- lonf lasting type of plant , having a thick central wooden stem from which wooden branches grow, usually bearing leaves book: number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover duty: moral or legal obligation; task or action that sb . must perform corruption: dishonest behavor , esp through accepting bribes happy: feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment or satisfaction, etc. …? Father : the male parent of a child ? Mother : the female parent of child ?犊:小牛也? Indian meal ——? ?玉米粥? Indian summer ——? ?小阳春? American beauty ——? ?月月红? German wool ——? ?细毛线 dry law 禁酒令 fly-boat 快艇 sweet water 淡水,泉水 vital capacity 肺活量 in labour 在分娩 butcher paper 一种厚而不透水的纸词组指称意义或所指意义 Note: every word may be categorized in a hierarchical way and belong to a category in terms of their denotative meaning. ?妻子、爱人、夫人、太太、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人、贱内、拙荆?马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋? human being, man, people, person, human, fellow, individual, soul ? dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier ?搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、扛、背、搂、端、举、夹、捧( carry) ?Walk( 走),saunter ( 闲逛,漫步), amble (缓行), track ( 追踪,走), wend ( 行, 走), stride ( 大步行走), trudge ( 跋涉), shamble ( 蹒跚地走,摇摇晃晃地走), prance ( 昂首阔步), scamper ( 奔跳), tiptoe ( 用脚尖走) ?“范畴”则指表示同类事物的分类与概括性的词语,反映事物的外延,是众多外延上具有同类特征分子的集合。而反映同类事物之间的本质区别性语义特征则是其内涵区别。如“桃树”与“梨树”中的“树”表示二者均具有“树”的属性或特征:一种高大、生长年龄长、并且长有主干和枝、叶,能开花结果的植物;而“桃(树) ”与“梨(树) ”则反映其本质的区别性特征,主要体现在叶、花与果的差异性,同时,二者又属于“树”的基本范畴。例1)老局长在市里召开的会议上睡着了。 The words that share the denotative meaning of “ being in a state of sleep or being alseep ” may include sleep: nap: (short sleep, especially d