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[[世说新语]中的妾.妓.婢] 妾婢.docx

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[[世说新语]中的妾.妓.婢] 妾婢.docx

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[[世说新语]中的妾.妓.婢] 妾婢.docx



文档介绍:[[世说新语]中的妾.***.婢] 妾婢

  Concubine, Courtesan, and Maidservant in "Shi Shou Xin Yu"
  Zhi-Sheng Huang
  国立高雄海洋技术学院 通识教育中心副教授
  Center for General Education,Associate professor,National Kaohsiung
  Institute of Marine Technology
  From the pre-Chin era, through early Han and East Han dynasties in ancient China, Chinese women had always been conditioned by Chinese culture to assume a weak, docile and chaste image. Later in the Wei-Jin era, when the thinking of "employing people based on merit" of Cao Cao , the importance of metaphysics over discipline rites, and the hereditary social caste system were prevalent, people in China gradually began to place greater emphasis on their selfhood and contemplating upon the value and meaning of human beings. As the zeitgeist evolved towards individuality and fighting for one"s rights and interests, women in great noble clans became increasingly aware and critical of the absurdities of the traditional law and discipline rites; taking advantage of their elite background and the protection of the hereditary social caste, they were bold enough to assert self-expression, as a result upgrading their social status. Since even women in noble clans must depend on the caste to upgrade their social status, it is obvious that concubines of humble origins as well as concubines, courtesans, and maidservants of various origins had occupied only a petty and inferior status. Li Luo-xiu, however, is the only exception. She clearly saw her own predicament and was able to discover a reasonable and viable solution, which was to marry into an elite clan, thereby achieving her goals of upgr