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Unit 1 Preparing the Ground
× Karen Black and Andrew Carter fail to communicate before they meet the Levien team.
Andrew: You’re sure you don’t want one, Karen?
Karen: Not for me.
Andrew: Of course I don’t know Francoise at all. But you got your regard with Shawn. _____________ and I negotiated at Dallas two years ago and I …
Karen: I’m sure you did, Andrew. Come ____________________ focus on the final package. I must knock down the price. They wanna knock us down, but we have got some room for maneuver.
Andrew: That’s right. Shawn was held a procurement in TEC at London.
Karen: What was keeping in mind is the ____________ push on _____ staff costs.
Andrew: We don’t need to worry about that, Karen. We just play it by … Shawn, how are you?
Shawn: It’s good to see you, Andrew. Atlanta, wasn’t it?
Andrew: Dallas, actually.
Shawn: Right. Three years ago.
Andrew: Two.
Shawn: Yeah, sure eh… You two know each other, right?
Francoise: You must be Karen Black. I’m Francoise Quantin. Welcome to Levien.
Karen: We’ve spoken on the phone, haven’t we? And this is Andrew Carter, export sales
Andrew: Sorry, I thought you two already knew each other.
Shawn: That we all know each other now, can we …
Francoise: Before we start, would you like a coffee?
Karen: Would be nice.
Francoise: Milk?
Karen: Yes, please.
√ Karen Black and Andrew Carter are better prepared for their meeting with the Levien team.
Andrew: Here you go.
Karen: Thanks.
Andrew: So we wait for them to respond to our proposal.
Karen: Yes. We know the staff costs and the price are the main issues. But we’d better let them set the agenda.
Andrew: And you’d still like me to do the presentation?
Karen: That __________________, Andrew.
Andrew: And you watch the reactions and …