文档介绍:Advances in Geosciences 地球科学前沿, 2018, 8(7), 1149-1153
Published Online November 2018 in Hans.
Appraisal of Mineral Resources Overlying
the Reconstruction Project of Junwen Road
in Mentougou District, Beijing
Baofu Han, Xuechao An
Beijing Geology Development Company, Beijing
Received: Nov. 2nd, 2018; accepted: Nov. 16 th, 2018; published: Nov. 23rd, 2018
By analyzing the general situation of natural geography, location and transportation, this paper
makes a comprehensive assessment of the land used for the construction of Junzhuang-Huikou
project in Mentougou District of Beijing and its underlying overlaying mineral resources, and es-
timates the amount of overlaying mineral resources, thus providing a correct basis for the con-
struction of the project.
Junwen Road, Overburden Minerals, Resource Assessment