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文档介绍:Is there such a
thing as casual
BUICK performance?
’13 REGAL There is now.
T o d ay,
Casual Fridays CAN happen EVERY DAY.
Your formal dining room MAY HAVE GONE INFORMAL.
And jeans JUST MIGHT BECOME your blue suit.
This is a new approach to living and to luxury.
Where invitATIONS AREN’T engraved, they simply say,
“come as you are.” This is a style that fits you.
It’s your kind of luxury.
Vehicles shown may contain optional equipment.
BUICK REGAL regal gs
Want and need are in
complete agreement.
Regal GS easily accelerates from 0-60 in under 7 seconds thanks to a 270-horsepower, high-output turbocharged ECOTEC engine. For precise handling, there’s the HiPer (short for High Performance) Strut Front Suspension. It virtually eliminates torque steer
Its DOHC and direct fuel injection also produce 295 lb-ft of torque. A 3-inch diameter dual exhaust system reduces backpressure (the sensation of the car pulling the steering wheel to one side) to improve overall control. You experience a direct feel of the
for better exhaust flow, helping the turbocharger create higher boost pressure without compromising efficiency or durability. Putting road. And for controlled stopping, GS also features high-performance Brembo front brakes. Transferring its power to the road
all this power in your hand is either a 6-speed automatic or an available 6-speed manual transmission. are 19-inch five twin-spoke alloy wheels. For even more fun, 20-inch wheels are also available.


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