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  1. You transfer all of the user accounts,and files from a NetWare

  server to Windows NT Server computer. You want all computers that    previously were able to access the NetWare server to be able to   access the Windows NT Server computer.

  What must you do?

  A. Install a Microsoft redirector on each client computer.

  B. Install Client Server for NetWare on each client computer.

  C. Install FTP server software on the Windows NT Server computer.

  D. Install Gatewayand client Services for NetWare on the Windows NTServer computer.


  2. you TCP/IP network has two subnets. You install a Windows NT Server computer that will function as a router connecting the two want DHCP client computers on one suubnet to be
able to access a DHCP server on the other subnet.

  Which additional service must you install on the Windows NT Server computer?

  A. SAP Agent

  B. DHCP Relay Agent

  C. RIP for inte rnet Protocol

  D. RIP for NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transpoort


  3. Your organization provides World Wide Web Services for 10 different companies. Each company has a registered domain name. You want to creat a seperate Web site for each company on a single
Windows NT Server computer that has Microsoft internet information Server installed.

  What should you do to accomplish this ?Choose two.

  A. Assign multiple IP addresses to the Windows NT Serveer computer s network adapter.

  B. Assign the same IP address to each company s domain name on a DNS server.

  C. Assign a separate IP address to each company s WWW folder.

  D. Use WINS to Assign an IP address to a NetBOIS computer name. Map the computer name to each company s WWW folder.

  A C

  4. Situation:

  You company has a Windows NT Server network. The brokers at your     firm each have laptop computers with Windows NT Workstation   are develo


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