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someone said calmly, this is not a suitable age, though the growth of poetry at once revered as the poetry is the cradle of university campus.
in the south of guangdong, south of sun yat-sen university held by the “guangdong university poetry has seven invitational, facing the emotional attachments, we seem to be religious, and will be slightly delighted. however, the poem collection of these awards, a “as” feeling arises spontaneously, but we have to confront the helpless.
if not all of south north of culture, so let us look at peking university, the original poetry is the phenomenon is not optimistic. the 1978-1988: selected poems of peking university prehave made our exciting time, yet we have to admit the fact that the poetry in general awareness, more is a kind of old rendering poetry of nostalgia emotions, and brilliant student candidate works only a very few money-box. this will not let we produce such doubt: the book of poems published in contemporary campus is the prelude of renaissance of contemporary poetry is the last of the campus riproaring elegy?
today, we may occasionally missed some of the deceased, moved to the same kind of campus poet youth craze and for, but it is only occasionally “, “the more we are engaged in a forgotten. in the commodity economy, the campus consciousnethat today is the sky “pure” also fall victim to it, th