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上传人:读书百遍 2021/3/28 文件大小:16 KB





  Today, all over the world in advocating environmental protection, there are some disposable bowls, cups and chopsticks, etc., people say that this can be convenient and clean, and it's no bother. But how do they know that chopsticks are made from wood, and that is a waste of wood? Because the forest resources are limited, the chopsticks are used once to throw away the blame. And a disposable bowl and cup. Is it not made of wood?
  When I learned the news, I was reminded of my family's environmental order, and I was a green master. Then environmental protection is worth a week before, when I come home from school, found the battery often throw away, grandpa was listening to the radio was I found this time, want to stop him away, then think of a way to say to him: "batteries contain a lot of bad things, touched the soil makes the earth a broken; if fell into the water, the consequences are serious, the surrounding most of the water can't drink grandpa heard the news, paused, after he finished the battery to me, I was away. My brother and then comment, he often read book is not thrown away is burned, very pity. Because at first he is his money. I have seen, persuaded him to take the book away, or sell. Sell books are often recyclers uncle pick it up, for his son.