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2021年军训总结英文自我评价 年底自我评价总结英文.docx

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2021年军训总结英文自我评价 年底自我评价总结英文.docx

上传人:读书百遍 2021/3/28 文件大小:17 KB


2021年军训总结英文自我评价 年底自我评价总结英文.docx



  A few days when we stay away from the beautiful city, we came to a remote military training base .. no warm bed. No rich parents without careful care,
  Facing us is a tough military training.
  Seven days of military training, contains our ups and downs. Station Junzi, starting to go, running, is to go, squat. We have tears, we have a laugh, we have tears, we have love.
  Dizziness, to continue training, foot pain, and continue to move forward, the body did not force, and continue our mission, which is the military must be done here we are like a small soldier.
  Seven days that slow is very slow, but that is just a moment .. we have to leave.
  Not many, many of our instructors, although outside the fierce, in fact, the heart is like tofu, will worry for us, for us to refuel ...
  I would like to thank the instructors for their hard work and thanks for the arrangement of the school, I will face the future life with a new attitude.
  We know that the instructor is actually bitter, no matter what we are required to do their own first to do, we have a half-way break when he stood in the sun, because he said the real soldiers are not afraid of the sun. Once the training was very tired, we instructors take the initiative to propose with the