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文档介绍:A parative Study of English Euphemism and Chinese Euphemism
Abstract:As a linguistic phenomenon, euphemism has its unique origination and formation, and abides by a certain development principle. Euphemism is also a cultural phenomenon at the same time, reflecting different convention, custom and social psychology in China and the western thesis falls into five chapters. Chapter one introducesthe history of euphemisms in English and Chinese. Chapter two illustrates the relationship among language, culture and taboo. Chapter three states the definition of euphemism and the classification of euphemisms. Chapter four explains the similarities and differences between English euphemism and Chinese euphemism and researches the reasons of discrepancy between English euphemism and Chinese euphemismfrom the angle of the language structure, usage and the culture. Chapter five is a conclusion of all the findings and discoveries made in this thesis. Through the parison of English euphemism and Chinese euphemism,we can see that euphemism is a linguistic and particularly, a social cultural phenomenon. Its generation and development are the oute of various socio-psychological and pragmatic factors.
Key Words: euphemism; parative study; linguistic phenomenon; cultural phenomenon
摘 要:委婉语,作为一种语言现象,它有其独特的来源及构成方法,并遵循一定的发展规律。同时,它也是一种文化现象,折射出中西国家的不同风俗习惯和社会心理。本论文共分五部分,第一部分首先介绍了英汉委婉语的历史以及国外的研究现状。第二部分谈到了语言、文化及禁忌语之间的关系。第三部分从语言学的角度对其定义、分类作了阐述。第四部分对英汉委婉语进行了比较分析,说明该语言现象的一致性和差异性,并从委婉语的语言结构, 应用和文化方面探讨英汉委婉语相异的原因。第五部分对本论文进行总结。通过比较英汉委婉语的异同,得出委婉语既是一种语言现象,更是一种社会文化现象。它的形成和发展是各种社会心理因素和语用因素综合作用的结果。
and Studies of Euphemisms in English and Chinese1
A Brief History of Euphemisms in English and Chinese1
The History of English Euphemisms1
The History of Chinese Euphemisms2
An Overview of Study of Euphemisms at Home and Abroad2
Studies of Euphemisms in the Western Countries2


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