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2021年鲁迅英文简单介绍 鲁迅英文介绍.docx

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2021年鲁迅英文简单介绍 鲁迅英文介绍.docx

上传人:书犹药也 2021/4/1 文件大小:18 KB


2021年鲁迅英文简单介绍 鲁迅英文介绍.docx




  Lu Xun (September 25, 1881 - October 19, 1936), formerly known as Zhou Zhushou, later renamed Zhou Shuren, the word Yu Shan, after the change only, "Lu Xun" is his 1918 published "Madman Diary" But also his most influential pen name, Zhejiang Shaoxing people. Famous writer, thinker, an important participant of the May 4th New Culture Movement, the founder of modern Chinese literature. Mao Zedong has commented: "Lu Xun's direction is the direction of the new culture of the Chinese nation."
  Lu Xun's life has made great contributions in many fields such as literary creation, literary criticism, thought research, literary history research, translation, introduction of art theory, introduction of basic science and ancient collation and research. He has a great influence on the development of Chinese social ideology and culture after the May Fourth Movement, and has a great influence on the world literary world, especially in Korea and Japan. It is known as "the largest territory in the East Asian cultural map of the twentieth century Of the writer ".
  Guangxu seven years (1881 years) September 25 (summer calendar in the eighth day of August), was born in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Dongchang Square new home door Zhou. Young name A Zhang, long root, Chang Geng, s


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