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上传人:精品小课件 2021/4/2 文件大小:146 KB




文档介绍:The applicability and the possibility of functional equivalence theory to the translation of the symbolic meaning of journey to the West
Pilgrimage to the West, as a great piece of work in Chinese classical literature, takes a leading role because of its far-reaching cultural, historical and social significance even in current times. A huge majority of Chinese population are addicted and influenced by it which reflects Chinese ancient life and our cultural value to a large extend. Therefore, this novel plays an an indelible and irreplaceable important role in the process of spreading Chinese culture. So that whether all versions can reflect its hidden meanings is essential. This novel was written in classical style and set Tang Dynasty as its background. On the one hand, Chinese people can find a lot of difficulties when they read it for its obscure expressions; on the other hand, how to transfer the spirits and essence of work from original way into another language to enable the people in target language figure out its covering profound meaning furthermore. Taking consideration of all the characters and plots in this novel, there are a large number of rhetoric devices in Pilgrimage to the West besides the classical style of writing mentioned above. The most impressed character Monkey King is a delegate of those people who are not afraid of hardship or evil power and they dare to challenge the royal classes who show up as the gods and goddesses in the novel. But also he carries some shortcomings just like any normal creatures such as over proud and arrogant, easy impulse and seek to prevail others. Another totally opposite character Zhu Bajie is lazy, greedy and narrow-minded. He is easy to give up but with a warm heart. With the description of those distinct roles, the author fully integrated human nature into them in fanciful imagination which let the reader appreciate the story while comprehend more deeply and get more real emotion. From above study, Pilg


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