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有关老虎的英语文章带翻译 有关老虎的英语文章带翻译篇一 生活中的对手 Jaguar is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 jaguars in the world currently, one of which is now living in the national zoo of Peru. In order to protect this jaguar, Peruvians singled out a pitch of land in the zoo for it, where there are herds of cattle, sheep and deer for the jaguar to eat. Anyone who has visited the zoo praised it to be the “Heaven of Tiger”. However, strange enough, no one has ever seen the jaguar prey on the cattle and sheep. What we could see is its lying in its house eating and sleeping. 美洲虎是一个濒临灭绝的动物,听说,现在世界上仅存不足20只,其 中有一只现在就生活在秘鲁的国家动物园里。为了保护这只美洲虎,秘鲁人在动 物园里单独 为它圈出一块地来,且圈地中有成群的牛、羊、鹿供老虎享用。参 观过虎园的人全部惊叹地称这里是“虎的天堂”。然而,令人感到很奇怪的是,没 有些人看见这只老虎去 捕捉牛羊,唯一能见到的就是它躺在它的虎房里反复着吃 和睡的情景。
  Some people thought that the jaguar felt too lonely, so they collected money and rented a female tiger to accompany it. Nonetheless, it did not make too much sense. The jaguar just sometimes went out of its house with its “girlfriend” and stayed in the sun for a while before it came back to its house again. 部分人认为肯定是美洲虎太孤独了,于是就集资从国外租来一只雌虎 陪它生 活。然而此举并未带来多大改观,那只老虎只是偶然陪同外来的“女友” 走出虎房, 到阳光下站一会儿,很快就又回到它的“卧室”。
  “It is normal for the jaguar to be lazy in this environment. Tiger is the king of forest but you simply put some small animals around him. That is why the jaguar shows no intere