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英语文章带翻译 [带翻译的英语的文章].doc

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英语文章带翻译 [带翻译的英语的文章].doc


文档介绍:英语文章带翻译 [带翻译的英语的文章]
带翻译的英语的文章篇1:50%的希望 Fifty-percent Expectation
I believe in the 50-percent theory . Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are worse. I believe life is a pendulum swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective to deal with the surprises of the future.
我信奉 对半理论 。生活时而无比顺畅,时而倒霉透顶,好坏参半。我觉得生活就像来回晃动的钟摆。读懂生活的常态需要时间和阅历,也正是这样才练就了我面对未来荣辱不惊的生活态度。
Let s benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. I ve dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets. Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing. Bad stuff, and it belongs at the bottom of the scale.
Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son s baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he s swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.
当然生活也不乏熠熠光彩:坠入爱河缔结良缘;养育幼子身为人父,训练儿子的棒球队,当他和狗在水中嬉戏时,摇桨划船前瞻后顾,感受他如此强烈的同情心 即使对蜗牛也善待有加,发现他如此活跃的想像力 即使零散的积木也能堆出太空飞船。
But there is a vast meadow of life in the middle, where the bad and the good flip-flop acrobatically. This is what convinces me to believe in the 50-percent theory.
One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone that neighbors laughed. I felt chagrined at the wasted effort. Summer turned brutal-- the worst heat wave and drought in my lifetime. The air-conditioner died,the well went dry, the marriage ended, the job lost, the money gone. I was living lyrics from a country tune -- music I loathed. Only a surging Kansas CityRoyals team, bound