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有关家庭环境保护英语作文 有关家庭环境保护英语作文篇1 This is a father figure, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton, body fat, struggling to climb the platform. This is zhu zi-qing"s father, he displayed in front of people is the "father figure". Can this picture and hidden many pieces People see clearly is oneself before painting the old mother"s white hair, white hair is the mother of the lost youth, is the mother that the years vicissitudes of life;
  Stay eyes see clear on the picture is his old father has not straight waist, the TuoDe back is the most beautiful arc, it is hard, hard, raising;
  It is childhood children loved sitting bridge, it is the most worthy of reliance on the mountain in the children heart... The figure, the hair, the arc, looking at oneself has not young parents, bitter already flow into tears. 有关家庭环境保护英语作文篇2 Carbon dioxide emissions is one of the most corrupt natural environment. Actually, low-carbon life is close to everyone, as long as pay more attention to small details in life, you can have the effect of reducing energy consumption. Save electricity, we use the electricity mainly coal-fired, save electricity can reduce coal burning, reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Try to make it a habit to the door, home all use energy-efficient light bulbs, transferred to the computer model. Save water, natural water to pass t