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上传人:业精于勤 2021/4/2 文件大小:16 KB





生活英语情景对话:食谱和寿司 生活英语情景对话:食谱 Todd: Alexandra, you were saying that you can cook Cuban food. Alexandra, 你说你会烹饪古巴菜肴。
  Alexandra: Yes, yes. It"s very good stuff, and I"ve got one recipe that comes to mind that has to do with chicken and rice. 对呀。很不错的。我忽然想到一份食谱,食材是鸡肉和米饭。
  You can take several pieces of chicken and boil them in water with some salt until the chicken is cooked. 先将鸡肉切成几块,然后放到锅里煮,加点盐,直到鸡肉被煮熟为止。
  You take out the pieces and with a couple of forks, shred the meat. 接着用叉子取出肉块,再将其切成条状。
  In a pan you put garlic, onions, olive oil, and tomatoes. Fry that up. 再将大蒜,洋葱,橄榄油和西红柿放进锅里一起炒。
  Put the chicken on top and then put a puree of tomatoes on top of that and just saute that for awhile and you can put it over white rice and you"ll have yourself a nice meal 将鸡肉放在上面,再往上浇西红柿汁,然后再用温火慢炒几分钟,最 后将它们盖浇到米饭上,你就能够独自享用美餐了。
  Todd: Wow, that sounds pretty good. 哇,听起来真是不错。
  Alexandra: Yeah, it"s very good, and for change you can always add green peppers, red peppers and make it very colorful, and serve it with some white plantains and a little Cuban drink and you are good to go. 对啊,很不错,而且不一定非得这么做,你还能够加些青辣椒,红辣 椒,让颜色上看的好看些。然后再配上白色的车前草和一小杯古巴饮品也是相当 不错的。Todd: Alright, thanks. I"m gonna give that a try. 好的,谢谢,我去试试。
  生活英语情景对话:寿司 Todd: OK. Matthew, we are going to talk about food. Matthew, 我们来谈谈食物吧。
  Matt: OK. 好的。
  Todd: What kind of food