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上传人:业精于勤 2021/4/1 文件大小:15 KB





工作生活英语情景对话 工作生活英语情景对话1 Hi, Col, what can I do for you If you have a few minutes, I would like to talk to you about the future of this company. Sure, have a seat. Thanks. Let me just grab your file. How long have you worked for us just now I"ve worked here as a sales representative for about a year now. 1 year already, it"s amazing how time flies like that. Are you enjoying your job Yes, but I"d like to have a chance of job advance. I see. What job did you have in mind Well, I"ve noticed that there is a position available as a sales manager. Do you understand what duties that job would in tell Yes, I"ll be directly responsible for all the sales representatives in my department. I assume there be more meetings, paper working and other responsibilies too. That"s right. Do you have any experience in management Yes, in fact if you look at my resume you can see that I was a manager before I started this job. Well, I think you"d be the perfect candidate for the position. According to company policy, you still have to go through the formal application procedures, so fill this application form in and I"ll call you for an interview next week. Ok, thanks for your support. 工作生活英语情景对话2 Are you ready for the meeting Yes, come on in. How is your new job goingIt"s challenging, but I"m enjoying it quite a bit. That"s great. I knew you do a good job as a


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