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文档介绍:A Woman on a Roof 组员:汤陈梦吟唐红何其芳陈晓晶李雅兰陈彩班级: 11-1BS 班 QUIZ -------- 汤陈梦吟 book is not written by Doris Lessing ? A . The Golden Notebook B. The Sweetest Dream C . Through the Tunnel D . The Professor story of the novel happened in __? A. Paris B. London C. India D. Washington 3. What did the “ hot weather ” in the novel suggest ? A . intense relationship between man and women B. impetuous mood of people C. serious social tension 4. What ’ s the women ’ s attitude towards the three men who want to provoke her? A. Ebullient B. Disparaging C. Indifferent D. Elegant 5. What ways did the three men use to make the naked women notice them ? A. speaking and singing loudly B. whistle and stomping C. waving their clothes exaggerated did lend Harry the blanket? A. his neighbor B. Mrs. Pritchett ’s C. Tom ’ s mother D. His best friend author expressed her sympathy implicitly to the vulnerable male group. ( T/F ) 8. When Tom struck up a conversation with the women on the roof, the woman feel happy and made a friend with h im . (T/F) do you think about the naked women ?( no more than three words ) have you learnt from the novel? (言之合理即可) book is not written by Doris Lessing ? A . The Golden Notebook B. The Sweetest Dream C . Through the Tunnel D . The Professor story of the novel happened in __? A. Paris B. London C. India D. Washington 3. What did the “ hot weather ” in the novel suggest ? A . intense relationship between man and women B. impetuous mood of people C. serious social tension


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