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文档介绍:摘要摘要近年来,突发性公共事件呈不断上升的趋势,其中,因突发性水污染危及水源地而导致城市供水危机的事件也不断增多,对于各级政府的水源地应急管理提出了新的挑战和更高的要求。本文在分析阐述近年来围内外饮用水源地突发事件,以及政府在水源地应急管理的现状和动态基础上,针对昆Ill市单一型饮用水源地的实际状况、城市集中供水格局和水源地存在的主要问题,从水源地安全现状评价、水质变化趋势、突发污染事件以及人为破坏和攻击等方面,分析了目前昆山市唯一的饮用水源地——阳澄湖(傀儡湖)自勺脆弱性和潜存危机。在此基础上,提出了昆山市饮用水源地应急管理的相关对策措施,主要包括:水源地应急预案和应急保障,应惫水源地建设(包括地表水应急水源地和地下水应急水源地),水源地保护措施,水源地监控体系建设,以及水务管理体制改革。最后,对昆山市饮用水源的安全和可靠性的景进行了展望。通过研究,力求未雨绸缪,加强危机预防,完善应急预案。构建快速高效的水源地突发事件应对机制,提高昆山市饮用水源的安全保障程度。关键词:饮用水源,应急,管理,研究 AbstracI ABSTRACT In recent years,with the evergrowingly unexpected public crises,the urban water supply crises,caused by theresultthatthewater resource jeopardized by theunexpected water pollution,are increasing these crises have brought new challenges and higher demands to governments atalllevels on thewater resource exigency management. This thesis analyses the frangibility and potential crisisofYangcheng Lake(Kuilei Lake)which theonly drinking water resource inKunshan,fully based oiltheanalysis and expounding ofwater resource crises athome and abroad in recent years aswell asthe current situation and trend ofthegovernment water resource exigency management,focusing on the actual state ofKunshan’s single drinking wmer resource,the urban centralized water supply paRem aS well as the main problems existing inwater such aspects as the evaluation of water resource security,trend of water quality change,unexpected water pollution and man-made damages. Inaddition,some relative measures are worked out to resolve Kunshan’s drinking water resource crises These measures mainly include:water resource contingency plan and emergency guarantee,construction ofthe emergency water resource(both superficial water and underground water),water resource protection、supervision system construction and structural reform of water ,the thesis making aprospect inthe safety and reliability ofKunshan’s drinking resource The purpose ofthisstudy and investigation toenhance the water crisisprevention,