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文档介绍:摘要收入《周礼》的《考工记》是中国古代最早的关于手工业工艺技术规范的著作,记载了百工之事,是研究中国古代科学技术的重要文献。其中记载的有关玉器的制作工艺及器物形制,由于年代久远、实物缺乏,时至今日,研究难免有所不足。加上出土玉器实物极少自名者,玉器实物自身的型式多样性和文献记载的差异性、器物定名对于文献记载的依赖性、文献记载与汉儒清儒成说的复杂性,不可避免地造成玉器及其部件定名的疑难和分歧。本文着眼于训诂与考古的双重视野,试图吸收考古研究成果解决玉器名物训释疑难;凭借训诂利器,结合现代语言学研究方法,对玉器及其部件定名进行审视和研究,对上古文献典籍中与玉器共现的语言训释疑难进行探讨。“绪论”部分简略地回顾了玉器研究及有关孙氏学术研究的历史和现状,指出研究的不足和问题,表达了本文的研究角度和观点。“名物训诂”部分由三部分组成,从玉璧及文献语言角度解决了有关“面缚衔璧”训释的分歧,对璋、琮共有的名物词“射”进行了考辨,对“璋”的定名和功能进行名物训诂工作。“孙疏补证”部分共两篇补证,结合出土玉器实物及相关的考古学研究成果,既证明了孙氏正义的精确性,也揭示和补充了孙氏存在的不足。关键词:考工记名物训诂孙诒让 Abstract 置n口G口H挈‘,f,which belongs t0 Z^DHLf,is the pioneer of technical coⅡditions about handicraft in ancient China. It is also the most important article for the research on history of ancient science in our country. But,the research on ancient jade article is not enough because of the lack ofexcavated objects矗nd the Iost of there are no characters which can tell us what itis on the excaVated iade articIe. In tbis article,1 wilI attempt t0 have a thorough knowledge of Exegesis,Archeology and the history of science and technology with a view to the ken ofExegesis and ArcheoIogy,absorb the achieVements ofArcheology to put the axe inthe helve in the fieId ofexplanation of the unearthed jade articIes. My goaI in the part ofINTRoDUCTIoN is togiVe the diachronic view tothe history and the present situation of the researches onjade articles and the researches on the scbolarship ofSun Yi—rang,point out the ma“ers in thc present researches and express my direction and slant ofmy researches. The part ofTEXTUAL CRlTICISM&RESEARCH on ARTlCLE, three sectjoⅡs incIuded,has solVed the puzzIes such as MianFuXianBi, She and Zhang. Two prise the part of SunShuBuZheng. They demonstrate the correction of Sun Yi-rang, and replenish the inadequate parts. Tang ZhongHai ChiHese Linguistics Directed by Profes sor Wang ShaoHua Key words: KaoGongJi, TEXTUAL CRITICISM & RESEARCH on ARTICLE,Sun Yi—rang 一、绪言(一)玉器名物训诂及其考占研究述评《考工记·玉人》记载了中国古代玉器的形制、功用及制造工艺,尽管现代学者对《考工记》的年代和真伪多存怀疑,亦多所讨论。但从考古出