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屈臣氏 - 屈臣氏5775371.ppt

上传人:chuandao1680 2016/5/30 文件大小:0 KB


屈臣氏 - 屈臣氏5775371.ppt


文档介绍:? Member :陈丽雄( Ethel) 、陈瑜( Odilia ) ?梁婉红( Eleaner )、佘湘萍( Sandra) 、熊冬婷( Pheobe )、严婷婷( Abby) watsons ? Watson group (ASW ) is the world's biggest health and beauty products retailers, and its developing history can be traced back to 1828 . ? its business further global 34 market , and has more than 6800 stores , from health and beauty, provide rare spices and cosmetics to food, electronic products, high quality wines and airport, retail supply range products. watsons ? its international wine wholesale dealers ( 经销商) and from bottled water, fruit juice, soft drinks and tea products to the world the most high- quality alcohol brand, wide variety of drink. A 88000 employees , is the world famous joint enterprise Hutchison Whampoa Limited (headquartered in Hong Kong) a member Its products: 屈臣氏 Watsons 屈臣氏集团的经营深入全球 34 个市场并已建立一个包括许多欧洲和亚洲优势品牌与零售链在内的绩优公司组合 Conbining with Asia optimal company performance( 与亚洲最佳公司业绩结合) 健康与美容专营店( health & beauty specialist )屈臣氏百佳( PARKnSHOP )超级市场 Great Food Hall 丰泽( Fortress )电器 Nuance-Watson 机场免税商店


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